33 search results:

In order to determine the source of foreign water influx, illegal or incorrect connections (bad connections), in the separated sewers (Bild (Bild and limited also to leak localisation (Abschnitt 4.5.2) for sewers not lying in groundwater, the quick and cheap method of the smoke test or mist test can be used [Hochs96a] [FI-KIPP].

(Image: Failed connection of a street discharge into a wastewater sewer detected by the smoke test […

According to EN 752 [DINEN752f] and ATV-A 139 [ATVA139b], sewers must be durable, functionally safe and leaktight. This means that substances may neither reach the groundwater nor may the groundwater be drained in order to prevent the damage effects connected with it and mentioned in Tabelle 2.9.

The result of this for all operators of sewers is the duty not only to investigate newly installed and rehabilitated drains and sewers within the scope of …

(Image: Principle of an acoustic leak localisation with the correlation method with reference to [FI-Sewera] [Image: S&P GmbH])

Acoustic leak localising systems have been in successful use for years in the water supply sector. This is a simple method of investigation without the use of much equipment in which localising is achieved either by listening to the sewers for flow sounds using hydrophones [FI-Sewera] or with the correlation method [FI-Sewera] […

In this group of methods, the conductance of (waste) water is utilised for localising leaks in drains and sewers.

A process that has already been used for localising and quantifying leaks in sewers is the sewage probe AMS-4 [FI-seba] [Schub98] [Kramp98] [Kreut94].

The sewer to be tested is sealed off and flooded with water. According to the manufacturer, it is immaterial whether fresh water or backed up sewage is used, as it is only used as the electrical …

At present, methods based on thermography that are meant to provide an exact localising of leaks within the framework of internal or external inspection are in the development stage.

In this, one assumes the fact that all bodies transmit long wavelength particles that are called the infrared region of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. The spectrum comprises wavelengths of 0.7 to 1000 μm. As all bodies act as emitters of long wave radiation and not …

The localising of leaks with the methods of leaktightness testing described in Abschnitt 4.5.1 is very time consuming if not problematical.

In the methodical localisation of not optically recognisable leaks, it is necessary to begin with the section of the sewer method of leaktightness testing. By repeated halving of the respective pipe length with consequential repeated leaktightness testing, the leak can be limited to repeatedly smaller lengths. …

Standards and regulations

(Image: Leakage testing of manholes with water as the test medium - test criteria to EN 1610 / ATV-A 139)